



美标ASTM-F2100-19-USA STANDARD Specification-level1-level2-level3

发布时间:2021-01-22 16:08

Standard Specification for
Performance of Materials Used in Medical Face Masks

bacterial filtration efficiency-(BFE); differential pressure; fluid
resistance; general use; medical face masks; particle filtration
efficiency-(PFE); sub-micron filtration

This standard is issued under the fixed designation F2100; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon  indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

  1. Scope
    1.1 This specification covers testing and requirements for
    materials used in the construction of medical face masks that
    are used in providing healthcare services such as surgery and
    patient care.
    1.2 This specification provides for the classification of
    medical face mask material performance. Medical face mask
    material performance is based on testing for bacterial filtration
    efficiency, differential pressure, sub-micron particulate filtration
    efficiency, resistance to penetration by synthetic blood, and
    1.3 This specification does not address all aspects of medical
    face mask design and performance. This specification does
    not specifically evaluate the effectiveness of medical face mask
    designs as related to the barrier and breathability properties.
    This specification does not apply to regulated respiratory
    protection, which may be necessary for some healthcare
    1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as
    standard. No other units of measurement are included in this
    1.5 The following precautionary caveat pertains only to the
    test methods portion, Section 9, of this specification: This
    standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,
    if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user
    of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and
    environmental practices and determine the applicability of
    regulatory limitations prior to use.
    1.6 This international standard was developed in accordance
    with internationally recognized principles on standardization
    established in the Decision on Principles for the
    Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations
    issued by the World Trade Organization Technical
    Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

  2.  Referenced Documents
    2.1 ASTM Standards:2
    F1494 Terminology Relating to Protective Clothing
    F1862 Test Method for Resistance of Medical Face Masks to
    Penetration by Synthetic Blood (Horizontal Projection of
    Fixed Volume at a Known Velocity)
    F2101 Test Method for Evaluating the Bacterial Filtration
    Efficiency (BFE) of Medical Face Mask Materials, Using
    a Biological Aerosol of Staphylococcus aureus
    F2299 Test Method for Determining the Initial Efficiency of
    Materials Used in Medical Face Masks to Penetration by
    Particulates Using Latex Spheres
    2.2 ANSI/ASQC Standard:3
    ANSI/ASQC Z1.4 Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection
    by Attributes
    2.3 ISO Standard:4
    ISO 2859-1 Sampling Plans for Inspection by Attributes
    2.4 European Standard:5
    EN 14683 Medical Fask Masks—Requirements and Test
    2.5 Federal Standards:6
    16 CFR Part 1610 Standard for the Flammability of Clothing
    29 CFR Part 1910.1030 Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne
    Pathogens: Final Rule
    42 CFR Part 84 Approval of Respiratory Protective Devices

  3. Terminology
    3.1 Definitions:
    3.1.1 bacterial filtration effıciency (BFE), n—the effectiveness
    of medical face mask material in preventing the passage of
    aerosolized bacteria, expressed in the percentage of a knownquantity that does not pass the medical face mask material at a
    given aerosol flow rate.
    3.1.2 body fluid, n—any liquid produced, secreted, or excreted
    by the human body. Discussion—In this specification, body fluids include
    liquids potentially infected with blood-borne pathogens,
    including, but not limited to: blood, semen, vaginal secretions,
    cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluid and peritoneal fluid, amniotic
    fluid, saliva in dental procedures, any body fluid that is
    visibly contaminated with blood, and all body fluids in situations
    where it is difficult or impossible to differentiate between
    body fluids (see 29 CFR Part 1910.1030).
    3.1.3 body fluid simulant, n—a liquid which is used to act as
    a model for human body fluids.
    3.1.4 differential pressure, n—the measured pressure drop
    across a medical face mask material. Discussion—In this specification, differential pressure
    is expressed as a pressure per unit area.
    3.1.5 flammability, n—those characteristics of a material
    that pertain to its relative ease of ignition and relative ability to
    sustain combustion.
    3.1.6 medical face mask, n—an item of protective clothing
    designed to protect portions of the wearer’s face, including the
    mucous membrane areas of the wearer’s nose and mouth, from
    contact with blood and other body fluids during medical
    procedures. Discussion—Examples of medical face masks include
    surgical masks, procedure masks, isolation masks, laser
    masks, dental masks, and patient care masks.
    3.1.7 penetration, n—in a protective clothing material or
    item, the flow of a chemical on a non-molecular level through
    closures, porous materials, seams and pinholes, or other
    imperfections in protective clothing. Discussion—In this specification, blood or body
    fluids replace the term chemical and the specific penetration
    liquid is synthetic blood, a body fluid simulant.
    3.1.8 protective clothing, n—an item of clothing that is
    specifically designed and constructed for the intended purpose
    of isolating all or part of the body from a potential hazard; or,
    isolating the external environment from contamination by the
    wearer of the clothing. Discussion—The primary purpose of protective
    clothing is to act as a barrier for the wearer to a hazard.
    However, the product may also offer protection as a barrier
    which prevents the body from being a source of contamination.
    3.1.9 sub-micron particulate filtration effıciency, n—the efficiency
    of the filter material in capturing aerosolized particles
    smaller than one micron, expressed as the percentage of a
    known number of particles that does not pass the medical face
    mask material at a given flow rate.
    3.1.10 synthetic blood, n—a mixture of a red dye/surfactant,
    thickening agent, and distilled water having a surface tension
    and viscosity representative of blood and some other body
    fluids, and the color of blood. Discussion—The synthetic blood in this test
    method does not simulate all of the characteristics of blood or body fluids, for example, polarity (wetting characteristics),
    coagulation, or content of cell matter.
    3.2 For definitions of other protective clothing-related terms
    used in this test method, refer to Terminology F1494.

  4.  Significance and Use
    4.1 This specification covers the minimum performance
    requirements for materials used in the construction of medical
    face masks.
    4.2 This specification provides classification of performance
    for a range of medical face mask materials. Medical face mask
    performance classes are based on the barrier performance
    properties of the medical face mask materials (fluid resistance,
    bacterial filtration efficiency, and sub-micron filtration efficiency).
    The list of specified properties represents industry
    practices for characterizing material performance, but does not
    include all aspects of performance that may be necessary to
    protect healthcare workers. Therefore, this specification does
    not cover medical face masks for all possible use situations.
    For example, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
    (CDC) specifically requires NIOSH respirators that are at least
    95 % efficient for tuberculosis exposure control.
    NOTE 1—This specification does not provide specific criteria for
    demonstrating medical face mask protection of the patient.
    NOTE 2—The level of protection provided by medical face masks
    depends on several factors not considered in this specification. Examples
    include facial fit and material degradation from wearer challenges
    (perspiration, talking, sneezing, and the length of time the medical face
    mask is worn).
    4.3 Users of this specification are cautioned that improved
    resistance of medical face masks to penetration by synthetic
    blood can cause a reduction in medical face mask breathability.
    In general, increasing synthetic blood penetration resistance
    (and bacterial filtration efficiency and sub-micron particulate
    filtration efficiency) results in increasing pressure drop or
    reduction of breathability for medical face masks of the same
    4.4 This specification (or its requirements) does not evaluate
    medical face masks for regulatory approval as respirators. It
    specifically only evaluates the materials used in the construction
    of the medical face mask and not the seal of the medical
    face mask against the wearer’s face or other design features
    that determine its effectiveness of preventing particle or liquid
    exposure to the wearer. If respiratory protection for the wearer
    is needed, a NIOSH-certified respirator meeting the requirements
    of 42 CFR Part 84 should be used.
    4.5 The selection of the appropriate medical face mask must
    be governed by the potential exposure hazards based on the
    specific areas of performance associated with class of medical
    face masks. General-use masks provide minimal fluid resistance
    and are suitable for situations such as in isolation settings
    and for certain types of patient care. Where procedures involve
    the generation of sub-micron particles, such as in laser or
    electrocautery surgery, sub-micron filtering masks are appropriate.
    Where procedures involve the probability or likely
    exposure to blood or body fluids, select fluid-resistant medical
    faces masks.

  5.  Classification FTI 
    5.1 Medical face mask materials covered under this specification
    shall be designated as one or more of the following
    performance classes as based on the barrier performance
    properties of the materials used in medical face masks: Level
    1 barrier, Level 2 barrier, and Level 3 barrier.
    5.1.1 Level 1 barrier medical face mask materials are
    evaluated for their ability to capture sub-micron particles,
    resistance to penetration by synthetic blood at the minimum
    velocity specified in Test Method F1862, bacterial filtration
    efficiency, and differential pressure.
    5.1.2 Level 2 barrier medical face mask materials are
    evaluated for their ability to capture sub-micron particles and
    are evaluated for resistance to penetration by synthetic blood at
    the middle velocity specified in Test Method F1862, bacterial
    filtration efficiency, and differential pressure.
    5.1.3 Level 3 barrier medical face mask materials are
    evaluated for resistance to penetration by synthetic blood at the
    maximum velocity specified in Test Method F1862, submicron
    particulate filtration, bacterial filtration efficiency, and
    differential pressure.

  6.  Requirements
    6.1 The properties of the medical face mask material shall
    conform to the specifications requirements in Table 1, as tested
    in accordance with Section 9.
    NOTE 3—Medical face mask materials comprise specimens taken from
    manufactured medical face masks, with all layers arranged in proper order.
    6.2 Materials used in the construction of medical face masks
    shall meet the requirements for Class 1, normal flammability
    specified in 16 CFR Part 1610.

  7.  Sampling
    7.1 Testing shall be performed on materials taken from
    manufactured medical face masks.

    7.2 An acceptable quality limit of 4 % shall be used for all
    required testing to establish conformance of medical face
    masks to a specific performance class.
    7.3 Examples of acceptable sampling plans are found in
    ANSI/ASQC Z1.4 and ISO 2859-1.

  8. Number of Tests
    8.1 A sufficient number of medical face masks shall be
    evaluated for each test to achieve the established acceptable
    quality limit or confidence level.

  9. Test Methods
    9.1 Bacterial Filtration Effıciency—Determine the bacterial
    filtration efficiency as directed in Test Method F2101.
    9.2 Differential Pressure—Determine breathing resistance
    or differential pressure as directed in EN 14683:2019, Annex
    NOTE 4—This test method provides a measurement of pressure per unit
    area of material specimen tested.
    9.3 Sub-Micron Particulate Filtration—Determine particulate
    filtration efficiency as directed in Test Method F2299.
    9.4 Resistance to Penetration by Synthetic Blood—
    Determine synthetic blood penetration resistance as specified
    in Test Method F1862.
    9.5 Flammability—Determine flammability as specified in
    16 CFR Part 1610.

  10.  Report
    10.1 The primary package containing the medical face
    masks that meet this specification shall be prominently labeled
    with the following information:
    10.1.1 Manufacturer name,
    10.1.2 Product or style name,
    10.1.3 Product lot, and
    10.1.4 A graphic representation indicating the performance
    level met in Table 1 with the technical requirements of the
    indicated performance level. The graphic representation shall
    include a prominent visual indication of the performance level.

  11. Keywords
    11.1 bacterial filtration efficiency; differential pressure; fluid
    resistance; general use; medical face masks; particle filtration
    efficiency; sub-micron filtration

